Intelligent Change

Now is the perfect time to start living a more mindful, fulfilling life. Make the time to look after yourself, change the way you think and take notice as the world reflects those changes right back at you.


One mission led to the founding of Farfalla in 1982: the search for how health, a balanced mind and natural beauty can form a harmonious unity with nature.

picture of one of the awele pidgin affirmation cards
picture of one of the awele pidgin affirmation cards
picture of one of the awele pidgin affirmation cards
picture of one of the awele pidgin affirmation cards

Awele Pidgin Affirmation Cards

Awele Pidgin Affirmation Cards

Beautifully illustrated cards with Nigerian Pidgin affirmations. The name Awele means 'Good luck' in Igbo. Ideal for writing, journal keeping and meditation, and as a visible reminder of your moods!